October 18, 2014
Steve Sabz
Global relations concept as a group of white peace doves holding olive branches coming together from the east and west to form a world map as a symbol for peace talks between nations (Photo by lightsource)
Is the current state of global peace due-in-part to the work of the Holy Spirit in advancing righteousness and peace in the world?
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The apostle Paul to the Romans in Romans 14:17 (circa 56 A.D.)
According to the 2014 Global Peace Index (GPI), only 28 of the 162 countries surveyed experience a Low, or Very low state of peace. Conversely, the majority (83%) of countries around the world exist in a Medium, High, or Very high state of peace. Despite two world wars fought within its borders in the 20th-century, Europe continues to be the world's most peaceful region. Furthermore, the study reports that "We are living in the most peaceful century in human history."
Up until a century ago, Europe also contained the largest concentration (66%) of Christians in the world. Recall that the ancient Roman Empire (geographically similar to modern Europe) was, in the first-century A.D., the most dangerous region for Christians during emperor Nero's reign. Although no single continent or region today can claim to be the center of Christianity, its far-reaching, world-wide influence certifies Christianity as a truly global faith.
The top two most peaceful countries surveyed were Iceland and Denmark. Evangelical Lutheran Christianity dominates both populations at 76% and 80% respectively. New Zealand is the third most peaceful country in the world and consists of a more diverse religious population (44% Christian, 2.1% Hindu, 1.3% Islam).
Thus, the favorable Global Peace Index may, in fact, be due-in-part to the work of the Holy Spirit in advancing righteousness and peace in the world (John 16:7-11, Romans 14:17, Galatians 5:22-23) through, the ever-increasing number of Christians since Pentecost circa 33 AD (Acts 2:38-41).
Sabz, S. (2014, October 18). Is the world at peace, or in turmoil? Retrieved from https://scienceandbibleresearch.com/global-peace-index.html
Steve Sabz
Steve Sabz is the author and founder of Science and Bible Research. He is a professional educator with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from William Paterson University, where he also completed graduate level courses in Human Physiology and Endocrinology. Steve has been studying theology since 2015 and has successfully completed seminary level courses in Textual Criticism, Biblical Hermeneutics, Eschatology, Puritan Theology, Ancient Church History, Soteriology, Biblical Theology, Prolegomena, and Biblical Greek from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. Steve is also the author of Evolution's Complexity Problem: See How Evolution Falls Apart At Its Beginning and End Time Rewind: An Exploration In Bible Prophecy And The Fate Of The World.